Monday, June 4, 2007

Wild Wild West(ern Maryland)...

While driving to/exploring western Maryland today I saw a bumper sticker that read "Fredneck is not a dirty word" and I reached the same conclusion. I have never been much on small town charm, maybe its just my open hostility for antique shopping. However, wandering around Fredrick today with my dad I couldn't help but love this weird combination of hippies, Fredneck and ex-hardcore tattooed store owners. Its location is incredible as well 45 minutes from D.C. , 46 from Baltimore. I am not saying that I want or dream of living in Fredrick, but it really just put a lot of previously held views of small town living to shame. Well, Fredrick was really just a side trip, our real destination, Lilypons, MD. Lilypons turned out to be one of the weirdest places I had ever been : . When we finally arrived, after a few backroads and tons of barns, we found a wholesale fish and waterlily store craddled in the mountains and powerlines (pics to follow soon). At home I was greeted with an invite out on the town by Carmen and Conor and while getting ready to go out, a phone call from LDL was enough to make me giddy for the rest of the night (the latte helped as well). It was really a perfect day of travel and old friends getting together. There's really nothing better than coffee and pouring over Cosmo and wedding magazines and being catty and a big giant girl...except maybe travelling to a place you have never been before and will never forget.

I watched my main man, Anthony Bourdain go to Ireland when I got home. Hearing both the Northern Irish accent (the most beautiful accent in the world) and the Cork men mulling over pints..shook the marrow in my bones. I proceeded to send an email to my Irish friend, Caroline asking her how she is and what she is doing in August. My hope is that I could fly into Shannon or Dublin and stay with Caz for a weekend or maybe more and bum around Ireland again. I ache to see Roscahill and Galway. Nothing in the world like Irish whiskey or Guinness in Ireland said Anthony Bourdain...and I have to agree. In many way Ireland is romaticized wrongly, but mostly I find it to be justified. My mission is to get to Belfast, walk up the Falls and the Shankhill. Love murals...COME WITH ME!

I just finished watching Dr.K Death himself being interviewed by Larry King. I don't know what to think. The cause he stands for I agree with, but I am want to wonder whether or not he is the best person for the cause. Then I of course realize what a great scarifice he has made and can respect anyone with strong conviction, regaurdless of what it is for...well almost anything. Now I am watching a re-run of Anderson Cooper 360 his pop-journalism and soundbites make me blush (both from sexual frustration and embarassment over a mediocre pop-news program that has not reached its full potential) however I would really like to see the full Democratic canidate debate (helllllllloooo youtube) and hope to see the elephants duke it out tommorow (McCain/Romney KY wrestling anyone?)

ALSO this is where I am going for my birthday lunch this Thursday : I am beyond excited and beyond lucky to have such great parents and to have made it 2 decades.

to bed now. tommorow is another day (hopefully one full of landscaping and swimming).

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